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Sunday, February 20, 2011

A tale of two Vijays....

Many of you may know Vijay Gopalan and Vijay Gurumurthy, but I'm not sure how many of you know the REAL story of the two Vijays.  In honor of Vijay Gurumurthy joining Cummins in a GLIG role last month I will walk my audience through the tale of two Vijays....

Exhibit #1 - Vijay Gurumurthy aka "Cool Vijay" aka "CV"
Favorite Drink - JW Black or Green Label
Favorite Dance - The Robot, The Worm
Favorite Movie - Scarface
Most Memorable Moment - CV taking his shoes off, after having spent the whole day touring the MDC, and resting his hooves on the dashboard as I drove the two of us back to Cincinnati from Memphis!

In this photo CV decided he was too cool to stand in the line for the iPhone 4 and instead opted to sleep in the midst of hundreds of Apple fans at the Kenwood Mall (mind you, this was in the afternoon)
Here CV gives Regular Vijay's car some "detailing."

Exhibit #2 - Vijay Gopalan aka "Not So Cool Vijay" aka "NSCV" aka "Lame Vijay" aka "Regular Vijay"
Favorite Drink - Shirley Temple
Favorite Dance - The Watermelon Crawl or River Dance
Favorite Movie - The Notebook or anything with Justin Bieber in a starring role
Most Memorable Moment - Dinner at Palominos and Vijay decides to try one of the delicious "fried bread rings" (calamari) I was eating.  His response; "It's FISHES!" and spits it out!

In this photo NSCV displays the beautifully, hand-carved signage I had made in Gatlinburg to pay hommage to the living arrangement CV, NSCV and Praveen enjoyed last summer...
I miss you, Vijays!


  1. You are an ass... every one in Memphis saw that and are giving me a hard time.. but I am still holding on to it..

  2. Oh my gosh!!! I am crying because I am laughing so hard. You have missed your calling in life as a story teller!!!! I know I say this in almost every post, but I love your blog!!! keep it up!

